Faculty Members
1.Railway Engineering Education Program
- Japan
- NameKimihiko Nakano, Associate Professor
- Research fields
- ・Mobility engineering using bio-signals
- ・Evaluation on safety of a car navigation display with gaze measurement
- ・Haptic guidance control
- ・Automatic platooning of trucks
- ・Development of ITS to railway vehicles
- ・Evaluation of driving ability of elderly drivers with white matter lesions
- ・Independent component analysis applied to measurement of vehicle vibration
- ・Personal mobility vehicles
- ・Energy harvesting using stochastic resonance
- ・Electromagnetic suspensions
- Websitehttp://www.knakanolab.iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp/english/index_en.htm

- India
2.Social Infrastructure Education Program
- Japan
- NameTetsuya Ishida, Professor
- Research fields Thermodynamics of cementitious materials, Nonlinear mechanics of aging concrete, Modeling of Durability performance, Microbiology of composting, Biomass conversion engineering.
- Websitehttp://concrete.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/research/intro/I.htm

- India
- NameShashank Bishnoi,Assistant Professor, IIT-D
- Research fieldsExperimental and numerical studies into hydration of cement and supplementary cementitious materials, sustainability, resource utilization, durability, repair and life-cycle costs of concrete structures.
- Websitehttp://web.iitd.ac.in/~bishnoi/

3.Innovation Education Program
- Japan
- India
- NameUday B. Desai, Professor, Director of IIT-H
- Research fieldswireless communication, wireless sensor networks and statistical signal processing, multimedia, image and video processing, artificial neural networks, computer vision, wavelet analysis.
- Websitehttp://www.iith.ac.in/~ubdesai/
4.Technology Management Education Program
- Japan
- NameKazuyuki Motohashi, Professor
- Research fieldsProductivity and competitiveness of Japan and international comparison, Empirical analysis of IT innovation in both IT production and user sectors, Biotechnology innovation in pharmaceuticals and medical services, R&D management、IPR strategy and innovation sytem, National innovation system in China and Asia, Methodological development and database for innovation studies.
- Websitehttp://www.mo.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/member.html

- India
- NamePrakash Sai L., Professor, IIT-M
- Research fieldsConducting consulting assignments in the broad areas of Technology Strategy Formulation, Techno-Economic Feasibility Studies, Organizational Restructuring, Corporate Planning, Business Process Reengineering, Activity Based Costing,and Industrial Engineering.
- Websitehttp://www.doms.iitm.ac.in/domsnew/index.php/prakash-sai-l
- NameChirantan Chatterjee, Assistant Professor, IIM-B
- Research fieldsEconomics of Global Healthcare Markets, Technology strategy & globalization, Incentives for innovation & the role of patents, Emerging economy multinational firms.
- Websitehttp://chirantanc.weebly.com
5.Information Science and Technology Education Program
- Japan
- India
- NameKiran Kuchi, Associate Professor, IIT-H
- Research fieldsCommunication theory, Signal processing for communications, Network MIMO, Interference mitigation, Modem algorithms and implementation, Wireless systems, Cross-layer optimization, Emerging wireless standards.
- Websitehttps://sites.google.com/a/iith.ac.in/kkuchi/

- NameZafar Khan, Associate Professor & Head of the Department, IIT-H
- Research fieldsprimary arears of interest include space-time coding for MIMO channels, distributed space-time coding and cooperative communication, coding for multiple-access and relay channels, network coding, space-time signal processing, joint Baseband-RF optimization, software defined radio, cognitive radio and MIMO radar.
- Websitehttp://ee.iith.ac.in/people/faculty/zafar.html

- NamePradeep Kumar Yemula, Assistant Professor, IIT-H
- Research fieldsSmart Grids, Power System Control Centers, Information Technonology Architectures, Ontologies for Power Sytsem Events, Common Information Model (CIM), Interoperability and Standards.
- Websitehttp://www.iith.ac.in/community/faculty_hyd.html

- NameBheemarjuna Reddy Tamma, Assistant Professor & Head of the Department, IIT-H
- Research fieldsCognitive Radio Networks, Ad hoc Wireless Networks, Wireless Sensor Networks, Cellular Networks, and Next Generation Internet.
- Websitehttp://www.iith.ac.in/~tbr/