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The Second annual meeting of Akamonkai India (The University of Tokyo Alumni Association of India) was held in New Delhi.

15 Mar. 2015 / Activities

19 Mar. 2015

The Second annual meeting of Akamonkai India (The University of Tokyo Alumni Association of India) was held in New Delhi.


Professors from IIM Bangalore joined EDGE in Tokyo.

27 Feb. 2015 / Activities

20, 27 Feb. 2015

The i.schoool EDGE program was held at Hongo Campus in Tokyo and was attended by 9 participants (graduate students and young researchers). 2 professors from IIM Bangalore joined the workshop. Further collaboration in innovative education between UTokyo and IIMB is expected to happen in the near future.








“IITH – UTokyo Symposium on Smart City & Wireless Networking” held in Tokyo.

20 Feb. 2015 / Activities

20, 27 Feb. 2015

“IITH – UTokyo Symposium on Smart City & Wireless Networking” held in Tokyo. was held at IIT Hyderabad.

05 Jan. 2015 / Activities

5-9 Jan. 2015

12 students from IIT Hyderabad and 11 Japanese participants (including 7 UTokyo students) visited Indian middle class families and interviewed them about their lives. A workshop called “Service Innovation in India” was conducted based on fieldwork. The workshop aimed to develop service innovation for Indian middle class families through analysis of successful services in Japan.





Professors from UTokyo gave lectures at the Centre for Railway Research, IIT Kharagpur.

26 Dec. 2014 / Activities

26-27 Dec. 2014

Professors from UTokyo gave lectures at the Centre for Railway Research, IIT Kharagpur.
