Completion of ESEP-INDIA 2019
01 Aug. 2019 / Activities
7 students have successfully completed ESEP-INDIA 2019.

01 Aug. 2019 / Activities
7 students have successfully completed ESEP-INDIA 2019.
21 Jan. 2019 / Activities
The graduate school of information science and technology will begin a new program called “English Program on Intelligent Information Processing”.
The application deadline is January 31th, 2019.
Please click the following link right away for the details:
14 Dec. 2018 / Activities
Application deadline for ESEP-INDIA 2019 is 24:00 December 20,2018 (JST)
Apply early!
30 Nov. 2018 / Activities
We’re accepting applications for ESEP-INDIA 2019 till December 20, 2018.
Apply via the online application system T-cens (
Please visit our website details.
02 Nov. 2018 / Activities
Following the successful IJEP Internship Program, School of Engineering will start a new program called ESEP- INDIA(Engineering Summer Education Program INDIA) .
Some conditions have been changed. For the details, please visit our website .
Application for this program, starting on November 15, is accepted only via the online application system T-cens.
30 May. 2018 / Activities
IJEP students visited Iga Campus of DMG MORI Co., LTD. on May 23, 2018.
15 Nov. 2017 / Activities
The application period for 2018 IJEP Internship Program is from November 15 till December 20, 2017.
Applications to this program are accepted via the online application system T-cens (
Please visit our website details.
27 Oct. 2017 / Activities
The Application period for 2018 IJEP Internship Program will open at 10 a.m. (Japanese Standard Time) on November 15, 2017.
Please read our website carefully and prepare well in advance. Applications will be accepted for only about a month.
06 Sep. 2017 / Activities
Online Registration for the Graduate School of Engineering has just started.
Please refer to the URL below.
If you have any questions, contact the admission desk in a course summary page for the relevant course.
20 Aug. 2017 / Activities
“Voice of Indian Students at UTokyo” has been released in collaboration with the UTokyo Indian Students Association (UTISA).
UTokyo is appointed the Coordinator for Study in Japan (India) on behalf of all of Japan, and is working actively to connect people between India and Japan.
We hope this video will help showcase the attractiveness of studying at UTokyo.
↓click here!